Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Some Truth on Airline Safety

In light of the most recent crash/incident involving an American Airlines plane in Jamaica (which I should add, everyone survived), the Daily Beast ran a great analysis of airline safety records. Further, they really look into some of the half-truths and misnomers about airline safety. A positive for me was that JetBlue, the airline I fly the most, was ranked the second safest domestic airline. One negative was that there is nothing to the fact that sitting up front is safer, and in fact the back of the plane seems to have the highest survival rates! However, for the nervous flyer, it's ALWAYS bumpier in back, so statistics shmatistics, the back of the plane remains far more nerve racking.


soapy t said...

for me the front is better. if i have to sit in back and watch all those annoying people board and stare at all their heads i am thinking the entire flight that these are the people i am dying with.

David and Tara said...

That's the spirit AS! Always go for the front. It's where the civilized roam.