Monday, July 14, 2008

What 30-300 million will get you

Sick of the constant hassles, the nickel and dimming, the old planes, the lack of amenities, the in-flight brawls between airline staff and passengers, well take a looksy at how the super-duper rich do it. We're not talking souped up Cessnas or ticked out Gulfstreams, we're talking entirely retrofitted 737s, 747, 777s, and A-380s! It's pretty incredible to think that any single person could actually own their own 747, and not many do, but as the rich get richer by the day, their toys get bigger and brighter and flashier, and I expect we'll see more and more private ownership of these super jets. In fact, all my google searching, gmail emailing, and blogger postings helped Larry Page and Serge Brin (founders of google) pay for their own Boeing jet. I have to say, I don't really care about getting rich, BUT, I wouldn't be sad at all if one or two of my friends happened to earn a Bill or two allowing me to hitch a ride on their modest 747 every now and again. So c'mon friends, get back to making those Benjamins!

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